Aurora Farm Family Foundation
Has Found a New Home

Who we are:
Barbara M V Scott MSc and Woody Wodraska MS [Biographies]
                   Aurora Farm Family Foundation [Mission Statement]

 As Biodynamic gardeners and teachers we had been
seeking an opportunity to share our life’s work in, as we
phrased it in our advertisements for ourselves,
a heart centered,
human based community motivated to leave a life affirming
legacy for the children and the Planet.
We uphold a
vision focusing on education, nutrition and right
relationship with all beings.

We have lived and breathed Biodynamics for many years
and wish to be with people who take Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual
impulse for agriculture to heart in their lives.

Now, winter 2009-10, we are in Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada and here we will farm and garden,
teach others and learn from them--
and, as always, from the land.


Barbara [or] Woody [at]
